More than Pushups. Beyond Discipline.

PushUpAndMore Fitness Blog

PushUpAndMore is a fitness blog that provides a few tips and tricks to stay fit, healthy, and ultimately happy.

The blog creator has been able to keep up with his effective fitness routine and his daily 150 pushups challenge since March 2020. No excuse, only daily executions made possible with mental tricks to stick to a short but intense workout routine. Learn more about the story behind this self-imposed challenge and fitness advice in the blog!

Wandering Around And Staying Fit Are Two Things I Always Keep In Mind - PushUpAndMore.Com

Who Am I?

I'm the guy in the picture above; not a fitness professional, not tall nor bulky, yet somehow fit and healthy. I work out daily to stay zen and healthy and, to a lesser extent, for body aesthetics. I'm a Finance professional with a few side hustles. Like a hamster on his spinning wheel, I am always on the move or working on my latest idea.

I believe in the benefits of discipline and consistency. So I do fitness only a little but almost every day, no matter what. The past COVID lockdowns were a catalyst for establishing a new fitness habit and reinforcing some healthy ways of thinking.

My workout routine, combined with a disciplined approach to life and a minimalist mindset, helps me be my best self daily.

Push Up and More

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