Who am I?
I’m Florian, the creator, and author of PushUpAndMore.Com, the Fitness Blog you are currently reading. I’m also a finance professional with (probably too) many side-hustles. Among my routine activities, I do fitness: only a little but advantageously almost every day.
The joe in the middle below; that’s also me!

I consider myself lucky; I only have first-world problems. I’m content—every day, weekdays, or weekends. I’m grateful for this; it hasn’t always been like this.
Like many, my life was a bit more adventurous not so long ago. I used to travel a lot, at least once a month. This was when I was living in Europe. At that time, I did not have a fitness blog, but I was lucky enough to travel to numerous places across the globe. I even got banned from visiting the USA with an electronic visa for 5-years after visiting Iran in 2017.
Below is a 2016 picture of me at Sibuan Island in Sabah, enjoying life and wandering around with friendly Malaysian civil and military people. There was no workout routine at this stage, but I was already keeping an eye on my fitness or how I looked. Discipline was a bit in the air for these shallow things, but not much.
My consistency in fitness was miles away from my current daily workout consisting of 100 cross-body crunches and 100 pushups within around 8 minutes (*initially 150 pushups instead of 100 pushups, but I decided to stop working out till almost failure and focusing on more qualitative pushup forms instead starting from July 2021)

Now, it’s a different story. I live in the beautiful but isolated fortress of Australia. Covid hit the world almost 18 months ago. The Australian borders have been closed for more than a year. Only a happy few can get in, and the average joe can’t do much about it.
Luckily I’m never bored. Some of my friends think I’m an endless wanderer, others a borderline workaholic. I’m pretty busy working on various projects.
I’m very solicited and sometimes a bit drained, but that’s a personal choice. I can always stop or adjust these projects anytime. They are enjoyable activities overall, so it makes sense to keep going.

Lockdowns caused by the Covid situation have been a catalyst for establishing a new fitness routine and reinforcing some healthy ways of thinking. This new quick workout yields many benefits and provides me a lot of satisfaction—a high return for the little time spent.
Physically speaking, I’m still the skinny fit kind of guy, not the typical guy you see at the gym. Not tall, not bulky, but quite energetic! My stubbornness and determination help me stick to this new daily workout routine.
Overall this workout habit makes me feel better, physically and mentally.

Why I created this Fitness Blog
A simple workout routine, combined with a disciplined approach to life and a minimalist mindset, has been helping me a lot in being my best self. It’s simple, but it works, so I thought it was probably enough to write about it. So I created this fitness blog to share my healthy habits, motivation tricks, and workout routines. Hopefully, my findings will motivate others in their fitness or life journey!
Happy workout!

My Favorite Discipline Quote
I believe in discipline. I believe if you give people a way out of things; you let them whizzle through things and find excuses and find scapegoats and reasons why there are not successful and reasons why things are fucked up and they will do it, they will do it because it’s human nature, it’s human nature for people to find, to seek comfort and to seek escape, and to seek excuses. It’s a human nature thing.
Joe Rogan himself in the #1693 Joe Rogan Experience Podcast Podcast (81″15′)
What’s this Website About?
PushUpAndMore is a fitness blog that provides people with tips and tricks to stay fit, healthy, and happy.
The blog creator has been able to keep up with his effective fitness routine and a daily 150 pushups challenge since March 2020. No excuse, only execution made possible with mental tricks to stick to a workout routine. Learn more about the story behind this self-imposed challenge and general fitness advice in the blog.
PushUpAndMore aims to help people get things done in life with a structured mindset and discipline.